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Webinar Gloria Soto

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Date and time

Wednesday 19. June 2024 at 17:00 to 19:00

Registration Deadline

Tuesday 18. June 2024 at 23:00


Zoom Zoom

Webinar Gloria Soto

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Recorded presentation from Isaac Denmark Conference 2024

Webinaret er en optagelse fra den danske konference. Missede du Gloria Sotos præsentation på konferencen i år? Eller har du behov for at få nogle guldkorn genopfrisket?

Den 19. juni holder Region 2 webinar klokken 17, hvor du udover at se/gense oplægget har mulighed for at mødes med folk fra regionen, som vil se oplægget.

Gloria Soto: Professor ved Institut for Specialpædagogik, og Institut for Tale-, Sprog- og Hørevidenskab San Francisco State University

Støtte til vedligeholdelse og udvikling af hjemmesprog gennem flersproglig praksis i ASK/ Gloria Soto
OBS: Oplægget er på engelsk.
I Danmark er der et stigende antal børn, der bruger ASK og kommer fra hjem, hvor der tales et andet sprog end dansk. 
Alligevel er intervention udelukkende for dansk fortsat den foretrukne metode til ASKinstruktion. Brugen af kun dansk intervention ignorerer det fulde sproglige og kulturelle repertoire hos vores klienter og deres familier, hvilket kan have skadelige effekter på deres sociale, akademiske og erhvervsmæssige deltagelse. I dette oplæg præsenteres konceptet 'translanguaging' som en praktisk strategi til at understøtte vores borgeres hjemsprog og kultur. Translanguaging-praksis genkender, accepterer og understøtter ALLE de kommunikative ressourcer et individ besidder som positive og indikative for individets ønske om at skabe mening og forbindelse. Dette oplæg beskriver de måder, hvorpå translanguaging og ASK krydser hinanden, hvilket giver muligheder for at opnå højere niveauer af deltagelse, øget familieprofessionelt samarbejde og forbedret sprogudvikling.
Supporting Home Language Maintenance and Development through Translanguaging Practices in AAC
Region 2 webinar 19th of June 2024, 5 PM
The webinar is a recording from the Danish conference

Due to changing immigration patterns in Denmark, there is an increasing number of children who use AAC and come from homes where a language other than Danish is spoken. Yet, Danish-only intervention continues to be the favored method of AAC instruction. The use of Danish-only intervention ignores the full linguistic and cultural repertoire of our clients and their families, which can have detrimental effects on their social, academic and vocational participation. In this seminar, we will present the concept of 'translanguaging' as a practical strategy to support our clients' home language and culture. Translanguaging practices recognize, accept and support ALL the communicative resources an individual possesses as positive and indicative of the individual's desire to make meaning and connect. This seminar will describe the ways in which translanguaging and AAC intersect, offering opportunities for attaining greater levels of participation, increased family-professional collaboration, and improved language development.
Participants will learn about: (1) authentic and contextualized assessments to inform intervention planning; (2) collaboration with families in family-centered, culturally and linguistically affirming ways; (3) creation of bilingual systems to scaffold interactions with peers and adults; and (4) creation of digital bilingual materials that depict characters and experiences that are culturally relevant.
Prof. Dr. Gloria Soto
Dr. Gloria Soto is a Professor in the Department of Special 
Education. She teaches graduate coursework in special education,
cultural diversity, augmentative communication and curriculum-
based language and communication intervention.
Her area of professional expertise is in augmentative and
alternative communication (AAC). Her areas of research interest
include applied educational issues such as multiculturalism,
collaborative teaming, inclusive education and professional
preparation, as well as more basic areas such as narrative
language in AAC, language development through augmented
means and the impact of graphic symbol use on language

Tilmeldingsfrist den 17. Juni


Number of attendees: 14

Organizer Contact Information

Isaac Danmark
Phone: +45 29671220

Organizer Contact Information

Isaac Danmark
Phone: +45 29671220